Hunter Mechanical has 7 employees and operates in a 5000 square foot building which houses all of the parts necessary to keep a ready fleet of service vehicles on call for any heating and cooling needs.
In need of electricians to wire the homes, Howard contracted with his two cousins, Frank and Billy Hunter of Hunter Electrical to wire the homes as they were built. In the mid 1960’s they also started installing Heat Systems. Houses only had heat systems during this period, no A/C.
In 1972 Frank Hunter decided to go in a different direction, leaving Billy Hunter with Hunter Electric. This is when Paul Pope was approached by his next door neighbor, Billy Hunter and asked to become a partner in Hunter Electric. In 1978 Billy Hunter retired from Hunter Electric, leaving Paul Pope as the sole owner of Hunter Electric.
Greg Pope had worked as an apprentice under Billy Hunter since 1972 and Greg’s brother Johnny Pope worked as an apprentice under their dad Paul Pope. Thru the years it became more obvious that Greg enjoyed doing Heating and Cooling as well as electrical more than his brother Johnny. Johnny Pope had an opportunity to work at Channel 19 as a camera man. He took that job and started a successful career in broadcasting and production. This left Greg continuing to follow in his father’s, Paul Pope, foot steps . In the mid 1990’s, Greg felt like he needed to do something on his own and with Greg enjoying Heating and Cooling more than electrical, he formed Hunter Mechanical, concentrating on Heating and Cooling. With plenty of business for both Hunter Electrical and Hunter Mechanical, there was never any interference for either. In 2011 Paul Pope decided to retire and handed over ownership of Hunter Electrical to Greg and in 2012 all of the paperwork was formally done to merge Hunter Electric into Hunter Mechanical and the business still operating under Hunter Mechanical today.

Greg Pope